Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said India was "completely ready" to help Ukraine's peace efforts. 'From the very beginning of the events in Ukraine, India has laid emphasis on the resolution of the dispute through dialogue and diplomacy… India is completely ready to help Ukraine's peace efforts," Modi said in a joint statement with US President Joe Biden.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a news conference with US President Joe Biden.(Bloomberg)
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Since the Ukraine conflict began in February last year, Modi spoke to Russian President Vladimir Putin as well as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky a number of times during which he insisted that the conflict should be resolved through dialogue and diplomacy.
India Ready to Contribute in Any Way to Restore Peace in Ukraine
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that India is "completely ready" to help Ukraine's peace efforts. In a statement on Thursday, Modi said that India has "laid emphasis on the resolution of the dispute through dialogue and diplomacy" since the beginning of the war. He added that India is "ready to contribute in any way" to the restoration of peace in Ukraine.
Modi's statement comes as the war in Ukraine enters its third month. The conflict has caused a humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, with millions of people displaced from their homes. The United Nations estimates that over 10 million people have fled Ukraine since the start of the war.
India has been cautious in its response to the war in Ukraine. The country has abstained from voting on UN resolutions condemning Russia's invasion. However, India has also called for an end to the violence and has offered humanitarian assistance to Ukraine.
Modi's statement on Thursday suggests that India is willing to play a more active role in the peace process. The country has strong ties to both Russia and Ukraine, and it could use its influence to help bring about a negotiated settlement.
In addition to its diplomatic efforts, India has also provided humanitarian assistance to Ukraine. The country has sent food, medical supplies, and other relief items to Ukraine. India has also offered to evacuate Indian citizens who are stranded in Ukraine.
India's willingness to contribute to the peace process in Ukraine is a positive development. The country has a unique role to play in the region, and its involvement could help to bring about a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
Here are some specific ways in which India could contribute to the peace process in Ukraine:
India's willingness to contribute to the peace process in Ukraine is a welcome development. The country has a unique role to play in the region, and its involvement could help to bring about a peaceful resolution to the conflict.