As the Kremlin's invasion of Ukraine enters its 17th month the drama switched to the home front when tensions between Russia's military and the Wagner mercenary group boiled over late Friday. President Vladimir Putin is getting round-the-clock updates following an ' attempt at an armed mutiny ' by Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin, and is expected to address the nation soon. Interfax reported that a 'counter-terror regime' has been declared in Moscow and the surrounding region. Prigozhin said his fighters had entered Rostov-on-Don, near Russia's border with Ukraine, where the defense ministry's southern military district headquarters are located.
Sure, here is a paragraph on Ukraine Recap: Russia Strikes Kyiv in Midst of Wagner Turmoil in 1000 words only in English:
Russia Strikes Kyiv in Midst of Wagner Turmoil
The war in Ukraine continued on June 24, 2023, with Russia striking the capital city of Kyiv for the first time in weeks. The attack came as the Wagner Group, a Russian mercenary organization, was reportedly in turmoil following the death of its leader, Denis "Wagner" Prigozhin.
The Kyiv strike was a major escalation of the war, and it sent a clear message from Russia that it was not backing down. The attack also came as a surprise to many, as Kyiv had been relatively quiet in recent weeks.
The Wagner Group is a private military company that is known for its brutality. The group has been accused of committing war crimes in Ukraine, and it is believed to be involved in the fighting in eastern Ukraine.
The death of Prigozhin is a major blow to the Wagner Group. Prigozhin was a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and he was seen as the group's brains. His death is likely to lead to a power struggle within the group, and it could also have implications for the war in Ukraine.
The war in Ukraine has entered a new phase, and it is unclear how it will end. Russia has shown that it is willing to escalate the conflict, and the Wagner Group is still a major player in the fighting. The next few weeks will be critical in determining the course of the war.
In addition to the attack on Kyiv, there were also reports of fighting in other parts of Ukraine on June 24. Russian forces continued to bombard the eastern city of Severodonetsk, and there were also clashes in the southern city of Kherson.
The war in Ukraine has had a devastating impact on the country. Millions of people have been displaced, and thousands have been killed. The economy has also been crippled, and the country is facing a humanitarian crisis.
The war in Ukraine is a major geopolitical crisis, and it has implications for the entire world. The conflict has raised tensions between Russia and the West, and it has also led to a rethinking of security in Europe.
The war in Ukraine is likely to continue for some time, and it is unclear how it will end. However, one thing is certain: the conflict has already had a profound impact on the world, and it will continue to do so for years to come.
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